Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why I Chose Japanese

I had to study a language as a part of the Core requirements, but I wasn't really sure which one to choose. I studied some Latin in high school, but I wanted to do something different. I thought that Japanese would be a completely different experience and would be very interesting to learn. I am most excited to learn an entirely new writing system, although it is very difficult. At this point, probably the hardest thing to do is read hiragana. I can make out the words, but not yet quickly enough to keep up with the daily powerpoint presentations.  While Japanese is a lot of work and requires a huge time commitment, it is fun, and it is by far my most interesting class this semester (and probably this year).


  1. はじめまして。ストレフです。どうぞよろしく。せんこわびじねすです。ノトロダムのいちねんせえです。

    Hello! I am a Freshman at Notre Dame taking Japanese this semester. I also took a different language in high school an wanted to mix things up. Learning Hiragana was hard but rewarding. I'm still not very fast at reading it so don't worry! Good luck the rest of the year!

  2. Which is harder, Japanese or Latin? Also, which do you enjoy more?

    1. Japanese, and Japanese again. It is very difficult, but it is also interesting and fun. The main difference, other than the fact that you don't really speak Latin and that you need to learn a new alphabet for Japanese, is that in Latin, you need to learn some vocab but a lot of grammar, while in Japanese you need to learn some grammar and a lot of vocab.

  3. サムさん こんにちは。TAの小林(こばやし)です。
    にほんごのべんきょうはたいへんですが、がんばってください。にほんごがはなせると、たのしいですよ。わたしがアメリカにきたとき、えいごがぜんぜんわかりませんでした。でもいまはすこし、はなせます。  ではまた。おげんきで。

  4. はじめまして サムさん! わたしは ジャングです。(It's Daria from Fournald. :))

    にほんごは むずがしですよ!でも、たのしいです。ことがっこに、 わたしは フランスごお ならいました。にほんごお ならいたいから、コロンビアだいがくへ ならいます。
